Monday, November 10, 2014

Ready, Set, Design!

I hope you had a great weekend.  I don't know about you, but it flew by at warp speed for me!   I am excited to have tomorrow off.  I would like you to take some time tomorrow to think about why we have this extra day.  It is to honor our veterans.  Do you have anyone you know, in your family or a friend, who has served for our country?  This would be a great day to thank that person if you can.  There are so many ways our country is honoring those who have made sacrifices so we may enjoy the freedoms we have. The Cape Cod Times has a list of what is going on around our area.  Check it out!

This week you will start designing and creating your blog!!!  I will walk you through the initial steps so we can adjust some settings.  You are still in the shallow end with "swimmies" on!!  We will use the Blog Creation Checklist you will find next to your workstations as we get started.  Before beginning, let's take a look at "What is a Blog?" for inspiration.

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